Looking forward to the weekend?

Happy Friday – Why do we love Fridays so much?

Is it because we finally get to rest? We have more time to spend with our loved ones? Or is it because we can finally spend our day doing what we really enjoy?

If you’re only waiting for the weekend🧐let me tell you that there might be something wrong with the way you’re deciding to live your life, and it might be worth questioning what you’re currently doing✊🏻

I’m a person who loves/needs to question EVERYTHING🤓I need to understand why something is the way it is👆🏻I don’t like doing things just because someone told me to or because it’s what’s culturally accepted👀or because everyone else is doing it🙄I need to be informed, understand, and if it brings meaning and purpose to my life, then I decide to do it! Some would say I’m a bit intense BUT if it doesn’t bring any value then why bother?😐

I strongly believe that we need to love each day of the week as much as we love Friday🥰and if you don’t you can always change what you’re doing! Try to find purpose and meaning during the week as well!🙌🏻

You’re in charge of your life!🔆

And if you don’t know how to make these changes REMEMBER you can ALWAYS ask for help⚠️


Do you love what you do every day?